Well, I’m off… woo hoo! New York (homeward) bound for 11 days! I like Texas, but its always nice to get home for a while. Been tooo long. Plus, the hobby shops are better!
Well, I’m off… woo hoo! New York (homeward) bound for 11 days! I like Texas, but its always nice to get home for a while. Been tooo long. Plus, the hobby shops are better!
I have found there is no such thing as a bad hobby shop, but I agree there are better ones.
Have Fun!
Have a great trip… don’t know if you’re flying or driving, anyway, enjoy the cooler parts of the country, as Texas is probably steaming about this time of year.
“Upon initial contact, you have received Information Alfa”
I hope you are not talking about the city. The hobby shops here are dropping like flies. And good ones are difficult to find[:(!]
I’ve given up and do everything OL now[B)]
I know Ace went out of business, but what about places like Jan’s on the east side? Would be a shame if all of the good shops were going under! There are a few new ones here in Westchester that I plan on hitting. Hoping to find a 35th scale Apache or two.
In any case, NY is fantastic. Missed it here!
I was really bummed when ACE went down. Lou had been having problems with his landlord for years - moved him around the building a couple of times. He used to have a real good spot on 35th.
Don’t know about Jans - haven’t been up in that neck of the woods for quite some time.
Have fun in your travels - I still love it here, eventho it’s gotten a little funky and different.
Yeah, know what you mean. I need a regular dose of NYC in my life to keep me sane. There’s only so much of Lubbock, Texas one can handle. I actually went to ACE the day Lou was moving out, just by chance. Was really sad to see him go. He said he was going to be doing online stuff, but I never heard anything more. Any ideas?
I’m hoping to get down to Jan’s at some point this week. Maybe up to Sentinel Miniatures in White Plains too… We’ll see!
nothin’. He was runnin’ some club out on the Island but that is all I know - just about all the stuff in his display cases (spent many a hour just gawkin’ at the beautiful work) was from that club as I understand it - 'cept for a few pieces by the guys who worked for him.