I’ve dragged out my big NIMITZ to get some more work done on it again. I’m adding detail to the hangar deck and the full air wing on the urgance of my daughter. (It is the last time I ask a 6 year old for her opinion.) I had a web site book marked that had the air wing broken down by squadron, type and number of aircraft. The time frame was 12-1-77. Well the site is no longer there and I have all the info execpt the number of aircraft in each squadron. So does anybody know this or of a website that has it? While I’ve got y’all does anybody know of a book with good views/plans of the hangar deck? The ones I’ve found online are ok but doesn’t give dimentions of the hangar deck or the location of doors, ladders ect. While I’m not looking to do this exact to scale I would like to get it close enough for government work. Thank you in advance.

The PBS series called Carrier follow the Nimitz on her 2005 deployment to the Gulf. Some neat pictures on the website in the area where you can tour the ship. Here is the link Hope this is helpful. Not sure how much the hanger deck has changed in the last 30 years, but it is something.


Better yet, go to the Navy Newsstand’s Eye-on-the-Fleet gallery of aircraft carrier pictures

All sorts of shots of the hangar, flight deck, aircraft, personnel, and operations. Better than the TV show since you don’t have to stop the show and look for details. Plus the pictures are already HIREZ.

I watched the show, but I really wasn’t all that impressed by it. They spent most of the time & footage showing internal spaces which we don’t model. The rest of the time seemed to be centered on the airdales

I got some info here:

The pdf took a while to load for me. Not sure if its the website or my lousy verizon dsl. [:(]