USS AKIRA (some answers)

Terry here,

Thank You all for your kind replies, yes its the starcraft kit. An absolutely beautiful kit which I picked up from FEDERATION MODELS when they visited the NEC in bermingham England. I went to this show quite a lot as its only a 40 minute flight from Dublin Ireland.

I used an areosol from games workshop to get the base colour and their paint. It was a pleasure to paint as I really enjoyed having to be precise with the lining and panels.

It got a special merit award at the IRISH MODEL SOLDIER SOCIETY annual show, they dont understand science fiction.

Thank You for taking the time to view,



Great job, Terry. Nice variation in the colors.

Nifty job! A lot of decal work in that. Is this all out of the box? How about a little lowdown on your project? Always kewl to hear what folks are going through in the process.

Great job! Is that the Starcraft kit?