Using Metal Tracks on Stug III G

Hi, I am new to modelling and I am currently building a Tamiya Stug 3 G in 1/35. I have looked at the tracks and they are awful I am considering buying some Fruil Tracks to use on the model. But when looking at their website I can see the tracks are for Panzer III and Panzer IV.

I know that the Stug was built on the Panzer III chassis but would the Same Tracks work on my Panzer IV H and my JagdPanzer IV/70 as well?

Do I need any special tools to put the Fruil Tracks together and how complicated is it to do?

How many sets of tracks would I need to do a Stug III, Jagdpanzer IV/70 and a Panzer IV H all in 1/35 from Tamiya?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Fruils website details which tracks you need for which Stug,Pamzer III or IV variant that you are building.
You do not need any special tools to assemble Fruils,if you use the supplied wires,just wire cutters,some guys use pins instead of wire to assemble.
Some make up jigs to assemble,they are unnecessary.
You can wearher them with some sort of weathering fluid,or paint,prime,and weather them like plastic.
You will need on set per vehicle,as one box gives you that plus a few extra links,they aren’t cheap though.

You should search Youtube as there are many videos that show how to assemble


Thanks, just what I needed. I know they’re not cheap. Don’t tell my wife I am selling the dog to buy them :rofl:


Check these out too,I like these,they just click together and he has videos.

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Looks like Tony has got you covered George.

We won’t day a WORD about the dog. image

She might notice it has gone missing though.

Great they are in Europe so it will be easy to get them in Cyprus