Using Future floor polish

Can anyone give me some info on the use of Future floor was on models? Have heard about this but my Scale Modeling Tip book doesn’t have much direction or info on this. Thanks

My two prime uses for the stuff are:

1, dipping in clear parts for a better level of shine…

I pour some into a small container, and dip in the part(s), then allow them to dry- make sure you have no bubbles or dust/lint on the part and alllow it to dry in a dust free place.

2, overall gloss coat before applying decals and washes… I airbrush it over the entire model, with the exception of any masked off areas.

It can also be mixed with Tamiya Flat Base to make a flat coat for that purpose.

I also use it for some weathering in armor models. I have some tins full of fin sifted dirt. I mix that with Future until I get the texture that I want, then apply it to desired areas to get a mud build up. I will paint it to the appropriate colors at the final stage of weathering.

Future can also be used on recalcitrant decals, such as certain ones by Academy that refuse to stay in place. And also as an adhesive for small clear parts.

The possibilities for the stuff are limited by your imagination.

Best single article on the uses of Future all in one place that I’ve ever come across is at .

