Look in my signature. We need your model ship pictures now! Its free image hosting for all of you. It is extremely easy just follow the instructions. There is only one photo of a ship in the ship album right now, and I snagged that one from steelnavy.com
Go here,
and upload your photos.
Upload guys… this gallery is lacking… its the only one that has 1 pic!
Kind of helps if you post this info again…
Go to http://rongeorge.com/modules/Gallery/models
Click the Logon Link at the top right, and enter this information:
user: fsm
password: model
I could do that… but I prefer to have them go to the post, so they can read all the instructions about how to create albums, why they need to rename them, where they can upload AND get the logon and pass. The logon and pass are in the post in my signature.
I could put the logon and pass in every post … but then I will get 1000 questions on each topic I put it on… like “can I make an album?” etc. If they go to the post, they can read about it all… then logon and upload.
Ya know Ron,
I co-edit the largest ship model site on the 'net, and I can’t anyone to send images either…whatya gonna do??? I gave up pleading a long time ago…
Jeff Herne