Units that used 251/22

Currently building dmls sdkfz 251/22 model D. Are there any sources that can tell me what units actually used this vehicle. I thought i had read in ”It Never Snows in September“ that Grabener had left two 251/22 in Nijmegen , unfortunately i don’t have the book anymore and was hoping someone could confirm this?

The /22 didn’t enter service until Dec 44, somthing often pointed out as a fault in Band of Brothers. I have the Panzer Tracts books which lists what Div’s had which versions and how many. I’ll have a look tonight.

I know 11th Pz Div had them in 1945.

This one has the later engine hatch which is included in the Dragon kit.

Hmm now i need to get my hands on that never snows in September book to make sure this is what he was talking about. But thank you for the information, I’m still not sure what camouflage pattern I’m gonna do, i wanted to do a diorama with this and a 234/1 .

Just gradded my copy and there no mention of vehciles types in the index. So short of reding the book, its going to take a spot of luck to find it.

Checking my referance, the first mention of /22 was in the notes of a meeting between Hitler and the Inspecor of Panzer troops on 28th Oct 44.

In late Nov Hitler ordered that all /9 in production be held up and switched to the longer gun. The first demo took place on 5th Dec and 40 were built in that month.

At the end of Dec it equipped the 25th and GD Div in the east and 9th and 11th in the west.

Thats the only unit info i have.

Thank you for this info