Ok we’ve had sexiest aircraft ever so I thought we should have ugliest aircraft too. My vote goes to the XF-85 Goblin:
By the way I think even ugly aircraft have a certain ‘beauty’.
Ok we’ve had sexiest aircraft ever so I thought we should have ugliest aircraft too. My vote goes to the XF-85 Goblin:
By the way I think even ugly aircraft have a certain ‘beauty’.
check out this site for the UGLIEST aircraft: http://cloud.prohosting.com/hud607/uncommon/aircraft/ugly/index.html
I knew this topic had to come up. What was left? Give me some time to think on this one.
No self respecting wing nut would even think such a thing. There are no ugly aircraft. I think I need to lay down now.
The site referenced by “unnamedplayer” contained some real ugly birds. I think the Boeing JSF takes the cake - the shape is odd, and that intake resembles a herring’s. Ugh. My engineering friend at Boeing even admitted that their JSF was not a pretty sight.
Well, I’ll have to go with darrenbb on this and say there are no trully ugly aircraft out there. Unorthodox ones yes, ugly ones no.
The closest I ever came to calling an aircraft ugly was when I saw picrures of the Shorts Seamew. Man, I had to fight to keep from calling that one ugly.
Hi all …
I agree with darrenbb and upnorth … some a/c are strange looking … but, even with that they always seem to have a certain beauty.
My vote would be the Polikarpov I-16. It looks like thay used aircraft parts from salvage and mated them to a whiskey barrel.
Hello again …
One should do ones research before stating ones opinion !
I almost, repeat almost, take back my statement posted above …
After checking out the UGLIEST AIRCRAFT web site posted above by unnamedplayer, I am not sure about one aircraft …
Check-out the French transport the Farman F.4x/F.120T - Jabiru … the committee that designed this a/c never managed to meet … just kidding … but doesn’t that third engine look like a feature that was stuck there when the rest of the team wasn’t looking ???
IMHO, there is/was no ugly aircraft, so I assume we’re talking in relative terms here… There was a British passenger carrying flying boat - the Saunders-Roe “Princess” in the 50’s. Don’t know why they’d want to bestow a name like “Princess” on something so beastly looking.
While no aircraft may be truly ugly there are those times when you have to say ‘what were they thinking?’. My vote goes to any French bomber.
“What are friends for if you can’t use them?~”
My vote: UH-1 Cobra.
OK, seriously, I have to go with the Goblin
Maybe the Amiot 143 (French Bomber, 1930s), or the Blohm & Voss 141???
No… it’s got to be the Brewster Buffalo…!
well, that site is the stuff i look for on the net. i also think the boing one SUX. theres this site where there are no pics but this guy said f4 phantom! WTF!
Hmmm… Should be the Nimrod… hmmm come to think of it I think I’ll still go with the goblin…
I’ve been submitting the Curtiss Shrike in some of these polls just for comedy relief but for ‘ugly’ it can’t be beat.How many folks out there have seen a picture of this airplane.Ugly airplane/Curtiss Shrike. Samo,Samo.
Oh, there are SO MANY possibilities for this one!
Oh yes this is another prime contender…hahah!!! The Ec-135…Looks absolutely hideous!!!
But a fine model… Very well made indeed!!!
How about that ugly little crop-duster plane they used in the Road Warrior? (Or was it Thunderdome?)
Or half the stuff built between 1903 and WWI?
Ooo - the Barling Bomber!
How about the Fairey Barracuda? Now THAT’s ugly!
Bob Don
IPMS Bay Colony