Tuskegee Airmen decal?

Are there sheets of Tuskegee Airmen decals out there in 1/48, P-51’s or P-47’s… or do you have to look for the name of a particular aircraft?

the Testors P-47D kit (520) has the decals for the Tuskegee version,but the kit itself is junk,the decals are good enough to use elsewhere

Try these:






PS. I found some for P-40s:


Try this link:

Brian [C):-)]

Thanks for the answers… one of those shoudl work.

Considering the scope of a/c the T/A’s flew (P-39 - B-25J’s, you’d think that there would be at least one company that would supply several sheets to cover the spectrum. I’d like to get a couple of sets of the WarBird decals, but after looking at Squadron, Rollmodels and Great Modelers listing for WB, I only find those for 1/32 a/c.

Other than going through the UK and the exchange rate, not to mention the mailing costs, why can’t WB’s decals be purchased here in the US?[8]

Three Guys Replicas came out with a sheet of Tuskegee Airmen decals for the P-40, P-39, and P-51 B’s and D’s… Warbird Decals also has a couple sets of them for 1/48-- I have used them all and they are all quite good-- but the TGR sheet is OOP-- I have seen it on ebay before though…

I’m looking for “By Request” & “Quanto Costa” in particular.but any of the 332nd WW II a/c will do. I’ve been in the process of building the T/A’s a/c and only missing info on the B-25J’s of the 477th BG.

Still looking for an outlet here for Warbirds Decals![banghead]

Haven’t seen “By Request”, but the TGR sheet had Quanto Costa-- here is my rendition:

I got my sheets of Warbird Decals from Pasadena Model Society I think? Might want to try here:


Thaks for the heads up! I’ve got a nephew who lives in Pasadena who will look’em up.[;)]