Hi, Can anyone tell me the difference between Trumpeters Karl Morser kits 208 & 209 ??? I am going to buy one, but cant find any comparisons to know what the differences are. Thanks for any help
Hi. I think that the only difference between these two kits is in the suspension system.
The #208 has what is called the ‘initial suspension,’ which is somewhat different from the other later guns that were built. You can check on the Perth Military Modeling site for a review of these kits.
I’m currently working on this model and I don’t think you will be unhappy with which ever one you get. They are very, very nice.
Good luck and take care, Sgirty
Wow that was a fast reply! Thanks!
Yep, that is the only difference and the link you provided was great. I dont know how I missed it because I read ALL of Terry Ashley’s reviews whether I plan on buying the kit or not. The older Karl (kit 208) does have the initial suspension as you said, and Terry says that it needs 7 pages of directions rather than only 3 needed for the 209 kit. So I would assume there is much more work involved, which I like. The more parts the better! I like the look of the tracks better too with 133 links opposed to 94, but I like the camo paint of the 209 kit and that trumps all else for me.
I understand that it is a lot of money for a model, but when I think of how many hours it will take to build, if you do the math, it comes out to pennies per hour of model building enjoyment. My wife might complain, but then think nothing of going to Foxwoods for a couple days of high stakes Bingo ($$) with a lot of slot machines being pulled between games. Yeah, my $119 for at least a month of modelling versus her $400 for the weekend, which would be way higher if her sister didnt pay for the room. She says SHE could win money though, where mine is lost forever HAHAHA I’ll have a way cool model on my shelf for eternity and she’ll come home broke!
Maybe I’ll get the Leopold while I’m at it !!!