Trouble with my battery-powered airbrush

Hi Aaron, I’ve been a subscriber for as long as I can remember. I’m now 73, had a terrible bout with illness and had to stop modeling for a couple of years. I have an awesome family and they stacked me with more models than I can have room for if I were to build all of them. Mind you that might take me way past my life line. One of the gift I received last year Were two hand held air brushes, the ones you charge and a brush on top of it. I followed your Video but when I cleaned the airbrush and put it together, right when I turned it back on the darn thing started to shoot paint out and made a horrible mess. Paint was shooting out the small hole on top of the cup and out the paintbrush. I never used an airbrush before and would love to get better at it, but right now I’m hesitant to try and use it! Please sir, what have I done wrong and am I beyond help. Thanking you in advance Aaron. “Help”

Anthony S

I have 2 of the battery powered airbrushes & have had no problem with either one. I think the 1st thing I’d suggest would be to take it outside & see what happens when you have plain water in your airbrush. If it still blows out of the hold, there’s something blocking the nozzle or where the paint flows out of the cup. Disassemble the airbrush & thoroughly clean all the pieces. Reassemble & try the water again. If that doesn’t solve the problem, talk to someone at a local hobby shop or see if there’s an IPMS chapter in your area. Club members are generally happy to help solve problems.

Hi Anthony,
I agree with nicksr1125. It sounds like something is blocking the nozzle and preventing paint moving freely. My experience with the battery-powered compressors is that they operated at a relatively low max pressure and that can make it hard to blow out residue left from cleaning. Clean the parts thorougly, especially the tip of the nozzle and see if that helps.

Thanks Aaron & especially nicksr1125; I took the airbrush apart again and Aaron, I viewed your DVD again and what I had done wrong I found was that I hadn’t instilled the trigger right and the needle wasn’t in far enough. My bad! This is my first experience with airbrushing and I’m sure with practice and lots of patience and keep watching your video’s I’ll get better as time goes on. Thank you both, I really appreciate your input. Happy modeling.


Glad you got the problem figured out. Airbrushing isn’t hard but, it does take some time to master.

Hi Nicksr1125. I’m starting to feel more confident in taking the airbrush apart and practicing with colored water to make sure I put it all back together so that it works correctly.

Great. Practice makes perfect. Before long you’ll be showing others how to airbrush with great results.