Toxic Putty (Filler)

So today i had my first adventure in puttying. All in all it went pretty well but the Squadron Green that was recommended by my hobby shop as good for beginners is killing me with it’s smell. Unfortuanately, I live in a small apt. so my workbench is the coffee table and my ventalation is the open window. Are there any fillers that use something less toxic that the toluolene or am i doomed to kill braincells with this stuff?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Try testors contour putty, it works miracles!(y’know, that should be trademarked!

“Testors Brand Contour Putty, it works miracles!”

I’m not suer where you are in the world, but if you can, get hold of some milliput.
It’s non toxic, and once applied, can be shaped with a wet finger. It also dries very hard and won’t shrink. One box can last for years. There are various grades, I just use the normal(cheaper) version and get good results, that one cost’s around 2 pounds in the UK.

Great news! thanks so much for the tips!

Me LoVe GrEen PuTTy!!! I see green dogs flying around everytime I use the stuff, actually, if you can’t find any of the other alternatives which are great, try to work closer to the window and position a fan at a low speed so it will push the emissions out the window

Don’t use the testors putty. It chips easy and shrinks like mad. Keep the squadron green, and get a small fan to set on your bench for fresh air, or use a cartridge respirator.
PS Sorry Tenchi, JMHO on the testors putty.

Visit your local auto body shop supply house and ask for some catalysied “finishing putty”—this is a two part system used just like “Bondo”, the heavier, thicker type used to fill “Uh-Ohs” on 1:1 stuff. I use “ICING”, another popular one is Eurosoft. These are polyesther fillers, very fine grain, non toxic if not eaten (?) and harden in 15 minutes to sandable hardness. Fairly compliant, that is they do not chip as easy as the Testor putty and they DO NOT SHRINK!! Did I mention thet they do not shrink? One can or tube will last a whole bunch of years.

Cost? $10-20 dollars but as I said they last a long time unless you REALLY throw the putty at stuff…


I would think that a two part filler would be too harsh for styrene plastic. It doesn’t attack the plastic? I’ve got lots of it laying around, I may have to try it.



It is not too harsh for styrene. It will “bite” in well if the surface is roughed up with 220 grit or so. It does not melt styrene and so can be used on thin parts or vacuform stuff. Do not mix it too “hot” however on thin stuff as it will get pretty warm.

There is no “outgassing” as it hardens by chemical reaction, the only odor is the material itself, no evaporative emmisions.

Just MHO-I really like the stuff and wish it had been available 30 years ago when we used AMT or Testors putty that was nasty, porous stuff.


wow! so many good options! I think i’ll head over to the auto parts store and see what they have to offer me…now if i can just remember not to eat it…

and rickyinc…lol on the flying dogs!

mer1112, just another idea if you do use a fan for smelly stuff…unless you’re really hooked on those dogs, I use a small box fan at the forward edge of my work area, opposite from where I sit and let it suck the fumes away from me so there’e no chance of any small parts getting blown away.

great thinking jets! as i was concerned that with a fan i’d blow parts, decals, gluey toothpicks into one great mass of crap…thanks for the tip!

As for the Auto filler, the polyester filler that I know uses MEKP has a catylist, and that stuff is very toxic. I like the Milliput, but I also use Tamiya putty, and althogh it does shrink a little, is not too bad.

Get to the auto paint supply store and get your hands on Evercoat Eurosoft. It comes in a half gallon can. It’s about $30 for the 1/2 gal. It dries very quick, is sandable in 20 minutes and has a very fine grain, so the results are great. It also doesn’t stink bad either, nor does it attack plastic or shrink!!! Lose the green putty…EXCEPT for small mods…pinholes, etc. STAY AWAY FROM TESTORS PUTTY!!! Prowler is right on this one… It does have it’s place though…the waste basket!! Milliput is also a good choice…although it takes longer to dry and once dry it’s like sanding a rock…
I know $30 is a large chunk to swallow, but the Tamiya stuff is very good too…but at like $10-12 per tube…it’s cheaper to get to Eurosoft.

HAHA thats funny btw i got tamiya putty used it once contains toluene.

A couple of months ago it struck me that I had never heard anybody mention the use of modern bodyshop fillers and people were still using the old lacquer based products. They smell, take forever to dry, shrink, and can be affected by paint.

I posted on a couple of modeling BB’s and got only one positive response. I am pleased to see other people trying them out.

You can buy quart quantities of Polyester Glazing Putty here for $13.

I think that this is the future.

If you can, get a small window fan and blow the fumes out of the apartment, which you aren’t if you just set a fan on your work surface. I would also suggest that you purchase a good respirator and use it both when you apply body putty but when you are painting. (you can find a good one in an auto supply house for 15 to 20 bucks and is worth every cent.

I use Squadron Green because of the smell. I find it quite inoffensive. Testors on the other hand really gets up my nose… and is useless to boot.
I also like it because it is really easy to sand. I use miliput for other jobs, such as sculpting.


I like to start my modeling session by opening up a tube of Green Putty and just leaving it there. I also like to put open tubes in the hamper area and in the kitchen especially when cooking fish. Now I just need to invent a Green Putty Plug-In!

LOL! Just kidding!


PS…Hmmmm…for all us die-hards out there, I could really go for a Green Putty aftershave. I can see the TV ads already: The hunky beefcake with the hairless chest steps out of the shower (hair already dry and perfectly combed), opens up a tube of Green Putty by Mennen (rockin’ guitar playing in the background) and just rubs it all over his chin with that look of confidence in his eye. LOL!

I hate that putty so much, but it’s the only putty I use to get the job done. The same thing happened to me and when I first opened it I about fell out of my chair. I want to do models, not make everyone around me think I’m running a drug lab! [xx(] I really havn’t used anything else that works as well, just squadron white. I use a respirator and some serious ventalation. Ventilation is key if you want to maintain your sanity while using this stuff! [:p] -Can you tell I’m obsessed with ventilation?[:p][:p][:p]