Well, it seems tanks with full interiors is all the rage now, I’ll pitch in too.
This is the 1/35 Tiger I Early w/ Interior from Academy, enhanced with Eduard interior PE, Royal Model Trannsmission (I love the “cast” look), VP Engine (late-early model), interior stencils, andArmorScale Barrel (AWESOME!)
The eifelbien is White and drak tan with light green. I still need two more coats of this.
The gray is FieldGrau mixed with pale green.
The Primer red (not applied yet) is British crimson.
The gray will be higher on the sponson line, by about 3/8 inches from where it is now, and red on the firewall (rear)
The engine will be displayed seperate from the model on it’s own wooden base.
Sorry, This one of the FU2 and FU5 radio stack is a little blurry.
It will mostly be OOB, but the drive shaft is mainly scrathbuilt, because the resin transmission is larger than the kit’s, this also prooves some problems with the radios and instrument panel.
[:)]That is looking great. I have just started to build that kit. Have a problem you might help me with!.
Item J2, this is the elevation rack for the main gun, it seems back to front to me ie: the gussets or webs are on the wrong side, or is it me?. hope you can help…Kenny
Great job so far on the interiors. Looks like you are going all out on the detailing too using PE. I have a question though since you have probably studied the Academy kit very well by this time. I have this kit but I will probably work on it later this year. I have heard that the turret of the Tiger I should be assymetric. Is the turret of this kit already assymetric?
your build looks beautiful and precise-- well thought out and nicely executed – very nice job so far[:D]-- continual updates please!!-- what do you think about the ‘tanks with interiors’ gb?-- i dont personally know how a group build works but if one starts i would like to be in it[8D]-- treadwell-- p.s. —the roundrels for the gauges look really sharp!!
The colors are all Model master Enamel. Flat White, Pale Green, Field Gray(RAL), British Crimson, and Dark Tan. See my original post for the details.
I’ll look in on that part J2, after all, I wouldn’t be suprised if you were right and Academy was inaccurate [#dots]
The turret included IS Symetrical, but I dont want to go through the hastle to change it or swap it out with one of my Tamiya kit’s, I mean, the main idea is all about the interior… right? [:)]
Thanks guys,
PS I’ll go make a GB badge and make a post in the GBforum by 7 PM tonight (Montana Time!)