Thinners for enamel washes over acrylic paint?


I’ve recently started using enamel washes from AK for weathering, and i paint with tamiya acrylics. I’ve tried different thinners but all of them remove the acrylic as well as the wash. I’ve seen people use enamel thinners from AK and taimiya, but my question is are these thinners safe on acrylics, or do i need a laquer clear coat and then the wash, then an enamel thinner?

Thanks, Cyrus

So called Odorless Mineral Spirits will not melt,wash away or harm Tamiya acrylic at all. I use it to wipe down acrylics before top coating with clear or washes. And it will wipe away freshly painted enamel. Just don’t soak your wash cloth or q-tip in it, just dampen enough to wipe the surface ( I use tissues/kleenex). if you soak your wiping cloth/tissue etc too much you will wash out your entire wash but you still won’t melt the Tamiya acrylic paint assuming it’s good and dry.

The reason I say so called odorless Mineral Spirits is it really isn’t odorless, maybe less odor than the original but not truly odorless.

Other people use turpenoid or white spirits from art stores, I buy the OMS from Home Depot or the local hardware store. It also is good for thinning enamel for spraying fwiw ( I mix it 50/50 with lacquer thinner then thin Testors enamels with that)…

Great! I’ll try that, i beleive i have some around the house. I apreciate it, I’m trying to avoid having to go out and buy new stuff

Let us know how it works for you.

I use lighter fluid.

Just a caution when using “odorless” mineral spirits. Remember to ensure your workspace is well ventilated. Although you can’t smell them, the vapors are still there and still pose a potential health risk.

I tried the mineral spirits today, and they worked well! They didn’t work very well on spots that had been dry for a few days, (it got rid of the excess, but it required a little work) but they worked on the spots where i just applied washes, and there was an excess amount. And as promised, they didn’t damage the acrylic!

Yes, will keep that in mind! Thanks for the warning

Hm… Never thought of that. I might give it a go if i acquire some at some point!