the Mail woman has just brought my "Tigers in Combat 1" book

What a great book[:D]
full of photos all put into units with what they did and when
i recomend this book to anyone
its even got a turretless sherman for recovery in it

Yep, both Vol. 1 & 2 are good, infact I would say that they are the best photo reference available on the Tiger tank.
What a great thing that they are now available at a reasonable price.

Did you get your Tankpower books yet???

Where did you get them from, Jon?

Is that the big Jentz book? Or am I thinking of Jentz’s “Germany’s Tiger Tanks, Tiger I and II: Combat Tactics?”
I have the Jentz and Doyle book “Germany’s Tiger Tanks, VK45.02 to Tiger II: Design Production, and Modifications.”
Not a very catchy title, but an EXCELLENT book! [:D]

I got Vol. 4 the rest is on backorder [V]

And to answer your question Brian.
No !! these books are by Wolfgang Schneider, I’ve got some reviews of them at LEM.

Thanks! I’ll check out your reviews![:)]

I just saw this book at Barnes and Nobles, but put it back because what I was looking for wasn’t there. Looks like I need to go back!!! [D)]

Like I say at the end of my review at LEM " Go out and buy them today … THATS AN ORDER “”

I wonder if volume 2 is available in hardcover anywhere. I have vol 1 in hardcover, as I’m more interested in the army units than the SS, but I should get vol 2 just to have the set.

Anyone know?

Erhm last I looked it was up at Amazon for … $256

Edit : I just took a quick look at Amazon, after the release of the softbound edition the price on the hardcover has droped to $160

I guess I should have expected that. That’s what you get for putting things off indefinitely.

I would have ordered this already, but I may wait to et it with the second do out soon. Or maybe I’ll get it now (and something else to add up to the free shipping) and order again later (with something else) when the other comes out. [;)] At $20 it’s hard to pass up.

You guys have convinced me!! I’ve got a $20 B&N gift card that’s been burning a hole in my pocket! But not anymore. Now it’s just screaming to have it’s destiny fulfilled! Talked to my wife and she’s going to order something with it to get it up to the free shipping amount!

Thanks for the headsup. I’ve been waiting to get one of the Jentz books, but at less then 1/2 the price…

My wife just ordered it from Hope it gets here soon! Thanks, again, for the great info!!

I couldn’t take it anymore, it’s on the way.
Monrad, Someone must have grabbed the $160 quick, the hardcover was $288 at Amazon when I placed my order.

Sounds like a good book wonder if i can get it here in oz

who’s the author
and who’s the publisher??

Author : Wolfgang Schneider
Publisher : Hardback version ; J.J.Fedorowicz. Softbound version ; Stackpole

thanks tmn1