The Haunted Tank

I was an avid comic book reader as a kid. One of my favorites was G.I. Combat featuring the Haunted Tank. Over the years I’ve collected and built variations based on the many tanks that comic book tank crew used from a 1/35 M3 Stuart, a Sherman and lately a Tamiya M26 Pershing. What eludes this collection is that hybrid junkyard tank that Jeb Stuart and his crew put together from dead Russian and German tanks. Basically, I remember it to be a modified T34 hull with a Panther (?) gun. I can’t place the turret of the other details. I’m currently going over my old comic books but I can’t get anything definitive. Does anybody know of someone who has actually built a model of that version? It would make a great kitbash/scratchbuilt project and a unique tribute to one of my favorite World War II comic characters (apart from Sgt. Rock).

Hey that was my favorite comic too and I did build a model of it.
It was based on a t 34 with a scratch built turret and the american 76.2mm gun. I specificaly remember the issue where they built the tank. They refered to the 76.2 would give the Tigers a run for there money. I also remember the stuart frequently knocking out Tigers!. It was a comic.


Thanks for the reply. If it’s not too much of a bother, could you send me a picture of your model? Or at least some of the details and dimensions. I’d really appreciate it.
