The f4u Corsair question(s)

It’s got inverted gullwing wings…do any british planes from WW2 have the same designed wings?

In short…not really, no. There is nothing that I know of.

The Westland Lysander does have inverted gull wings.


The wings on the Westland Lysander most definitely are gull wings but they’re not inverted.


…I’m thinking. I’m thinking…

You’re right, they are not inverted, my mistake.

Im thinking too…

Damn!! You guy’s beat me to it! I was just digging through my encyclopedia of WWII planes, it took me a while to find it, I couldnt think of the manufacturer or even the name.Someone posted pics of a build they’re doing on the ARC forum of a lizzie, as soon as I saw that it clicked in my head, so got the bible out(my encyclopedia) and found it. The Westland Lysander deffinetly has gull wings but they are not inverted like the corsair and bent to lesser degree as well.

Neat plane though, the pic I’m looking at shows tiny little bomb racks on the little stub wings. That’s so, for lack of a better word…cute.

I think the Fairy Baracuda and the Fairy Gannet sport the inverted wing design!

I built a Matchbox brand 1/72 version of the Lysander about 8 yrs ago. It had those little anti-personel bombs attached to the wing stubs that are on the wheel pants. I painted mine black with super-thin yellow stripe going around the middle of each bomb. I can’t remember if the instructions had that motif or not. They look great though! The whole model is a beauty. Lots of glass to look inside. I like pilots in my planes!

Ok I think I get one, what about the “FLEET MODEL 50K”, despite being a biplabe it does have inverted gull wings, besides it was used in ww2 conflict.

Quite obscure subjet though.

I never heard of that one, it does have the gull wing though, but it’s a freighter.

trexx…the baracuda is a straight wing, no gull wing there. It’s very odd looking plane, would make for a nice build though. And my bible doesnt have the gannet listed in there, and I’ve never heard of that one either. The brits had a bunch of odd designs though, and a lot were pretty obscure.

I would’nt mind building a lizzie if I could find one in 48th scale and a decent price. I’d like to do some more british types, I’m thinking about one of the heavies but I got my hand’s full now. I’ll start looking in the future.

I’ve got a zeke, mustang (both in NMF) and a B-17F conversion going right now.

Thank you gentlemen-

I had seen something on a show that I thought was british, but then again, it being hollywood…who knew for certain? Turns out it was the Westland Lysander.


Here’s a bit about the F4-U’s wing…

NACA, “National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics” …eventually “NASA” had first organized all known data on airplanes and such and then commenced their own research after that first task. Some of their original tests found that things such as wings projecting out of a fuselages at 90 degrees produce much LESS “parasitic drag” than wings mounted at the bottom of the fuselage. The F4-U was the first airplane to purposely use this information. The wing roots meet the fuselage precisely at 90 degrees!

It’s quite genious how the set up is… allows for the largest propellor ever used on a single motored job up to that time, and at the same time, stumpy, short main landing gear legs perfect for carrier landings.\

It’s such a sweet solution. Magnificent!

Hey trexx, I saw a gannet kit at the LHS today, it does have a gull wing, but it’s post war. It’s got a twin prop on the front, I didnt take to much time to look at though, I found 48th scale tamiya rufe…for $12.50!!!

Are we all forgeting the other famous bent wing plane from WWII? The Ju87 Stuka! I have never read up on the technical aspect as to why the Stuka had bent wings but it is the only other significant WWII aircraft i can think of with this unusual wing design.


true, true, but the question was about british types.