Tamiya P-47 1/48 Almost finished. Must get on the weathering one of these days.
Trying Again,
And Again
Is the 5th time a charm?
I know, they must have had stealth technology in WWII. LOL
He did too good a job with the camo.
No No No, it was the stolen Romulan Cloaking Device.
It must have met an me262 whilst on its the way here
Must have been a P-47 with the ramjets from an SR-71. Just too fast for photos.
Have faith, friends. Our man will pull through! That, or it will be the post with the most replies about nothing…
Try this guys. Own web site on the way. You will see the P-47.
Have faith in the Army.
Nice pic of the P-47. What was your technique for panel ines?
- Snacko
I used the sludge method decribed in Finescale back in Nov 1991.
Looking good, soldier! Keep it up & thanks for serving our country!
Great job on bot hkits! They both look to be coming along very well. Looking forward to the 18 pics.
I think I would have traded positions with you while I was in the Gulf in the summer of '00. Too hot there for me (117 in my shop.)
Serve well, comrade in arms.
Looks great.
I used the search function of the forum and found a bunch of past threads regarding panel lines and sludge method.
It looks like and sounds like a pretty good technique. I plan on using it now on the Bf109 I’m building. (My first plane). I’ve used oil washes and pastels on armor but I was hesitant on what to do for aircraft. Not any more after seeing leitch’s work. Impressive. Thanks for sharing.
I salute you! Sweet aircraft.
Nice work!
But that is cruel thing to do, posting pics of the 1/32 Hornet. Now I have to buy one.
Sorry Karl,
You will not be disappointed in that purchase. Think of all the money you won’t have to worry about.
Good luck
Nice job on the T-bolt. You can always tell when a good NCO is on the job!
Sine Patri! - Ed