telfonica blue

hi, im building tamiya’s telfonica bike and was wondering if any one knew of a plasti kote or dupli colour equivalent of telfonica blue? i use plasti kote because i can get better finishes easyer than with tamiya spray paint

mad skilz

yeah i did post the same question about 3 months ago. Still there is no equivalent. u need to get the can spray of tamiya telefonica blue or racing blue (both are the same)
infact during the forum some also argue that tamiya 's telefonica blue was not the exact telefonica blue from the honda bike at the motogp. I cant recall where is the question that i posted but the title was telefonica blue for honda rcv211 if i m not mistaken. i’ll try to find it. and point it back in this forum…

Good luck on your search.


Just found it!

Here is the forum.
tamiya honda rc211v telefonica
17 June, 2004

From Re9za
Dear All,
Just wandering is there any substitude for the telefonica blue color. According to the manual I have to get a can of racing blue laquer spray, is there any arcyilic substitude since I don’t feeling comfortable using tamiya lacquer sprays. the problem with tamiya lacquer spray is that its expensive and hard to be stripped.
From SeaBee
Having just finshed (at last!) a telefonica Suzuki, I can tell you one thing. Of all paints I’ve used thusfar, the “Telefonica blue” was the hardest by far to “get right”. It is a very tricky paint. You have to be carefull not to spray it too thick - ever! In my haste I overdid one layer on the fuel tank… as you say, it’s hard work after that.

From Yamafreak72
Unfortunately I know I haven’t been much help. I do like the Tamiya sprays a lot, however. Yes, they are expensive, but esp. for these funny colours there’s not much that beat them.
I know the guys in the UK also uses Halfords (or something like that) auto laquer paint. Alas, not available in South Africa to my knowledge, so I cannot comment on that. From what I’ve read, apparently it’s very good. Don’t know if you’ve got it in Malaysia (?)

Good luck!

From Cupchai
Old Sete’s ride is next on my to do list also after I finish Rossi’s 03 that I’m working on now. I was thinking about starting with Testor’s Model Master “Arctic Blue Metallic” and mixing from there. Only problem is I’m not sure if Telefonica blue is metallic or not. Anyway, I’d like to see how you make out.
It’s definitely metalic colour. But Tamiya’s TS-51 a little too dark . Unfortunately in Malaysia, there are not many brands of paint available here

Thanks alot, i guess ill just have to try my luck with the tamiya paint and hope it comes out well, perhaps with lots of polishing…

~mad skilz

Yes, go for Tamiya’s racing blue even though it’s not that accurate but certainly the closest. Do not spray more than 3 layers. 2 layers is the ideal. I’m saying this because I saw the bike in real life at racing circuit from close range.

I also asked this question a little while back, and was told that Tamiya’s Telefonica Blue is probably the best option. Might I suggest airbrushing the Tamiya paint? It was suggested to me, I haven’t tried it yet, but I think it might produce a better finish than the “rattle can”.

thanks for all the replys,

Yamafreak72, wont it be hard to get enought of the paint out of the spray can so you can airbrush it, i know its possible to get paint out of a spray can and into a jar, but i think its difficult and your liable to get paint eveywhere… does any one have any experience getting paint out of a spray can and airbrushing it with success?

~mad skilz

I’ll do what re9za did and look for my original post on this issue. There was a lot of feedback there.

Got it!