Tamiya XF-74

Hi chappies,

I’ve been trying to find an alternative for the above colour but all the colour charts don’t go up to the 70’s. I’ve also tried the ultimate paint chart but for some reason won’t load on my computer. Help please

Cheers Leo

This is the very greenish olive drab color used only by the Japanese army. Tamiya makes it in acrylic and lacquer spray (TS-70). It is a very narrow application color. According to www.planete-auto.fr/…/tamiya-color-chart.asp, no other makes an equivalent for this color.

There are many options for the more popular olive drab used by US or NATO army, but not the Japanese one.

Just curious, which kit of yours calls out this color?

Theres got to be a Gunze equivalent. They make lots of JGSDF colors.

Gunze just makes the air stuff for the JSDF, not the ground colors. For an alternative, you may want to look at Model Master 1787(enamel) 4727 (acrylic) Green Drab, FS 34086, or Humbrol 66 Olive Drab (not 155).

Right, I mixed up the branches of the JSDF. Good color suggestions.

I like OD in all it’s variety… Not a boring color at all in spite of what some people say.

You’re right, hard to find another maker! I checked a chart and couldn’t find a match with any of the other major brands.

Keilau, the kit is Tamiya 1/35 JGSDF Type 10 and is only for the smoke canisters, and is only a small area. i was hoping i didn’t have to but this colour for such a small area.

Cheers Leo

Leo, in your case, I will just add some dark green to an olive drab and eyeball the result. It should not be difficult to get it almost right if just for a canister. Good luck.

The JGSDF Type 10 usually has a brown and olive drab camo pattern. What does the kit manual calls out for the olive drab in the body camo? It looks like the XF-74 on the box art.


I was wrong. The Type 10 uses dark green (XF-73) for the camo color. You may be able to get the XF-74 effect by adding a little dark brown to the XF-73.