Tamiya XF 60 dark yellow

I have used this paint for 15 years for German 3 tone camo. Do any of you think this is too dark out of the bottle, and if you had to lighten it a little, what do you add? I’m doing a late king tiger now and think it may be too dark. I don’t know for sure.

I use it all the time, if anything, I think it is too light, I always end up washing the whole vehicle in burnt umber to tone it down. But if you want to lighten it, I think the most common medium would be white.

I also wash with burnt umber on german armor with 3 tone, it does darken the model also leaves a nice oily yet matt look to it. I’ve seen some photos of late king tigers with very light yellow, although they could have been re-painted after the war.

I recently discovered Lifecolor Dunkelgelb in their German WW2 Armour set. Its an exact match for the Jagdtiger in this image. Paints are also odourless.

/\ Yes, but how correct are the colours in that image? Looks like its been filtered to me, and definitely does not have the colour reproduction of even the lowest digital point-and-shoot available today. Let the pointless debate continue [:p]

For the few German builds I’ve done, I’ve used Dark Yellow, and will continue to do so. A few drops of flat white should tone it down a bit if you wish to do so. I tend to follow things with a filter or two anyways, and this always tones down the colour.

I stopped using XF 60 a while ago, found it waaaayyy to dark. And after even a really thinned wash, it turned even darker.

A good replacement is XF 59, Desert Yellow. Makes a great base coat, and I now use Tamiya’s Nato Brown and Olive Green for cammo instead of Dark Green and Red Brown. Seems to fit better.

I read ages ago somewhere that the smaller the scale, the lighter you should do your colours, so for a 1/72 the colour should be lighter than a 1/35. So I would say don’t go by photos of full scale tanks, but go a little lighter. Indeed, when looking at models at a local show this weekend, I was struck by just how dark most of them were.

Im trying tamiya XF 60 dark yellow now for a Tiger im building. It looked just right when i put it on but after a wash a little weathering and some flat coats it now looks to dark. I would lighten it up some more with white paint first. Before i was useing Model Master paints 1943 panzer Dunkelgeb i think I will go back to that in the future but some think its to dark are to green looking.

Could I also put in a suggestion for Vallejo Model Air’s new Tank Dark Yellow 1943? Tried it yesterday and it seems to have a bit more red in it so it’s a bit warmer. I’ve been using VAM Middle Stone before but will be switching over to the new one.

Is the Nato Brown redder than the Tamiya Red/Brown?