Tamiya Williams BMW FWS4 and Ferrari F2001

Hi all!
I have a detailing question that maybe some of you could help me with.
Im wondering if the Scale Motorsports F2001 super detail set for the Tamiya Ferrari F1 car can be easily modified to fit the new Williams BMW FWS4 F1 car?
I am aware that these two cars are two VERY different cars in as far as aero design and engine. Im more curious if the major assemblies (ie breaks, suspension, cockpit, some engine, and overall aerodynamic design) could be used from the Ferrari set? This may be more suited for the people at Scale Motor sports but I thought I would ask in the event that this has been done on previous kits.
Any help here would be appreciated!

I would wait until Scale Motor Sports makes the detail set for the Williams, it won’t be long. . .


Studio 27 makes some photo-etched upgrade parts already for the FW24
