Well, as I stated on another board, it’s suppossed to be a worn white-wash. Could be, I’ve over done it? [:I][oops][banghead]
The first one I did, I tried to make it clean, and the comments said it was too white. Good thing I have more kits. Looks like practice, practice, practice for me.[sigh][sigh][sigh]
Thanks for the comments. It’s what I’m looking for.
I like the work you’ve done. The finish is cool with me. I just think that it needs more weathering or drybrushing just to highlight the white washes.
I don’t think you need a lot of white, but just a little. Where would the wash have been only slightly affected by the weather? You may want to add a few really white blotches and then drybrush some Russian Green over the whole thing.
when people think of ‘white wash’ they usually (imho)think to ‘white’-- this paint or paste was applied in the field to the best of the crews time and ability-- and basically washed off or wore off pretty quickly-- i think your paint job reflects a well worn partially washed off job-- and guess what!?–it is green underneath![:P]-- just as it should be–nice representation![:D]–i think a little bit more could be done to ‘highlight’ what you already have,but the work so far seems acurate to me- nice job–[:D]-- treadwell
I essentially arrived at this point through a lot of trail and mostly error.
Started by painting it green. Wanted to follow this with a brushed white-wash, but I got the white on too heavy. So I tried to gently sand some of the white areas. This left a rather nice mess. I went over (sprayed) the entire upper surface with the diluted green, trying to keep from covering too much of the white. Went overboard in that attempt so had to repeat the process with a diluted white. Tried using a brush lightly moistened with mineral spirits to work the colors together to break the contrast of the two colors. Did end up using the green again on a brush and tried to “streak” some areas to represent areas of heavy wear.
I really appreciate all the comments and thank everyone for taking time to try and help me to do better.
Any further comments or questions are always welcome.
Yeah, doesn’t look like whitewash. However, it does look like a good highlighting job with the panels! If you want a whitewash look, I’d use around a 50% paint 50% thinner mix, then denatured alchohol on the wear points.