Tamiya Char B1 bis


Humm… this should be an interesting addition to any armor collection. I might pick this one up.Thanks for the info.[2c]

i thought for sure that tank would be one of their 1/48th scale line, but there she is in my favorite scale. i’m definitely adding it to my collection.

I can’t wait to get my hands on this kit. I don’t know much about early war French armor or markings, however I have been searching for markings and paint schemes. IMO, this kit will be a winner. I’m glad to see it out for sale.

Well it is nice to see something different and it looks to be a nice addition. Could spur some early war kit interest. Okay, now make a Somua Tamiya.

[:(]Great another kit that I want.

Anyone know when we can expect to see it on store shelves? I am going to have to pick one of these up! [8D]

All I can say is ‘It’s about time!’…

Interesting choice of subject matter. That upper hull moulding is just unbelievable.

I just looked at that link again, you’re right! That upper hull looks fantastic, and it looks like it’s all one piece! [tup] [8D]