I am currently building Tamiya’a 1/48 FW190 A-8 and have a couple questions regarding paint. I am building mine as the one from 11/IV/JG3 flown by Unteroffizier Willi Maximowitz, Jun 1944. The instructions call for Tamiya paint colors AS-4 (Luftwaffe) Gray Violet and AS-5 (Luftwaffe) Light Blue. Both of these are only available in a spray can. I prefer to airbrush, and like to use Tamiya acrylics whenever possible for my camo and paint schemes.
Any suggestions on other brands I can use to get the same two colors (Gray Violet and Light Blue) since they’re not available in the Tamiya Acrylic line? (The 3rd color called for is a 3:2 mixture of XF-24 Dark grey and XF-27 Black green, of which I have both.)
Ok espins, what you need to do is go to the IPMS Stockholm website & look for the section on colour charts. You’re specifically after the German RLM section. The 2 colours you need are RLM 75 & 76. The reference will list the match in both Tamiya & Gunze acrylics for you. When you’re done, make sure you bookmark the site. It will be a valuable reference tool for you. TRUST me.
hey shaun68 what is the IPMS Stockholm website, because ive got the same problems.
ok, I’m poking around on that website as we speak. There is a wealth of information here, this is like the Rosetta Stone for model paints! lol
Here is a link:
I bought Model Masters acrylics in the RLM colors. You might want to check this site out for German interior colors. I printed this one off and put it in my Big Book of Refrence Material. Click here for the info. It’s from Swanny’s models
I use model master acrylics as well they do have what you are looking for. You will want RLM 75(Grauviolett) and RLM 76 (Lichtblau). Hope this helps!