surface primer

Hi fellow modelers

would any one know how to use tamiya’s surface primer I have no Idear how to go about using the stuff the right way anyway, I know there a post on how to use MR surfacer products, but wouldn’t know where to look for the post on the surface primer, plus I like to know what I can use to take the place of all Mr surfacer products like the 500,1000 and 1200 when it runs out, because I will not be able to get it locally anymore-thank you

Hi Ronald,

Tamiya’s Liquid Surface Primer is almost identical to Mr Surfacer 1000, and can be used in exactly the same way.

The only real difference I’ve found is that LSP is completely soluble in alcohol (90% ethlyl alcohol anyway). This means you can slop it over a seam, let it dry and then smooth it down using an alcohol dampened rag/paper towel etc. Less need for sanding, less mess. This also means it’s easier to clean your brushes - you don’t need lacquer thinner.

Overall, you use it more or less the same way as you would Mr Surfacer. It’s almost the same stuff.

cool thank’s for the information