SUB/MISSION ........Type XXI

Hey everyone!

Been wanting to build this for over 25 years now.


I’ve been waiting to see if the Gateway doofup has moved out …

before even starting this. seems to be running just fine now.

While waiting around, I finally found a reasonably priced kit to replace the previous one that had the broken off tail section (the last inch or two) of the port stern, as shown in my last entry.


Very interesting, DM! I look forward to your build.

An interesting side note: I found one of these in the local antique mall, but didn’t buy it as I’m not a ship guy. Guess I should have. [:D]


Looking forward to seeing how you treat this. High expectations.[;)]

Stay safe.

Jim [cptn]



Hey Gary…

Antique mall?

Please, don’t tell me how much$$$…

(but then again, how much?)

I’m headed to the gym soon so here’s what I’ve done today…before.


And after modification…

V! 'ya going?
See if you can figure it out.

Did you get ther one with the interior?


Well, I won’t then (but it was $25, or about the cost of a McDonald’s Big Mac).



No, this is not the 05078 kit.

This one is the 5081 full body version.

That’s because I’m going to be working over the hull features.

Hope that doesn’t disappoint you, : wink:but I think you’ll like the end results

OK, now I feel better because that’s the same amount I paid.
Sure glad I don’t eat Big Macs anymore… they’re not good for you anyhow.

Went to work hammering on this side today… !

! to the gym tomorrow and later I might
be working the other side.

Might be a while Jim.

Believe it or not…
The day after putting this submission up all I get is…

504 gateway time-out 504 gateway time-out504 gateway time-out, EVERY DAY!

It’s been a full week now. I don’t know how this message might show up here but until someone somewhere gets this fixed I won’t be doing any updates.

Until then, good sailing

Might be a while Jim.

Belive it or not…
The day after putting this submission up all I get is…

504 gateway time-out 504 gateway time-out504 gateway time-out, EVERY DAY!

It’s been a full week now. I don’t know how this message might show up here but until someone somewhere gets this fixed I won’t be doing any updates.

Until then, good sailing


WTF?.. This forum is all screwed up

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DM I feel the same way!

Look down the list of recent posts and it doesn’t take long to get to"x days ago".

FM take note- this is a problem.

There’s a great publication about the Type 21. Mine unfortunately got ruined in a rain storm, but I still have my model. I loved it.

The French had one that served in the Suez Crisis.

Bill Bill,

Looking down the hatch (internet) I have found and saved hundreds or more pictures of the type XXI.

Now, on another note.

Well strangely, it looks like we’re back on our feet.
or not…but for how long next time?

While enduring the obvious 504 flip-flop problem,
I’ve Been slowly working on my submission project off and on.
Maybe tomorrow or next week