Stuka cockpit color guide

Hi there guys :slight_smile:

I’m about to start my Revell 1/48 B-2 Stuka and I noticed that in the color guide they recommend to paint the cockpit in “light olive green” … as I know the German cockpits were in RLM 02.

Can anyone solve the mystery or just that Revell made A big mistake?


no, revell didn’t goof. their recomended paint is rlm 02 in rhe revel line which isn’t availible in north america. RLM 02 is the correct color though. This is a very common problem as none of their paint colors cross over except black and white. eg: mouse gray in revell paints is either dark gull gray or gunship gray. Try to figure that out on their Raffal.

Happy building

RLM 02, although a dark grey does have a bit of green, giving it an olive color in some lighting conditinos.

I like Tamiya’s RLM 02 myself. I also use it for drybrushing over black to pop out details