I bought a copy of the AMT Star Trek “The Enterprise incident” model at a local secod hand store and it is missing a couple of items. If anyone has them,and can sell them to me, it would be a great help, or if you are interested, I could sell the kit to you. I need The instruction sheets, have 1, but there are 2 for the kit, have the one with steps 17 and beyond, also am missing the fiberoptics, and 4 chrome sheets. TIA for your help. If you want to buy, contact me by email at catsandstaff@usfamily.net . Thanks
I tried to send you an e-mail using that address you linked but it would not work.
Do you still need those parts?
It should work now, and yes, i am in need of the parts, or still willing to sell.
roger roger…E-mail was sent.[:)]