It took me a year to build but that is primarily because I got three little ones who are always busy and a wife who is not the most supportive but I did get this one done. Be brutally honest
Unfortunately, the image quality of your photo is too poor for any serious critique.
No offense intended. Please try posting better photos with better light hitting your model.
I agree with Chris. Better pics. I don’t really do scifi but it looks the part overall.
Welcome aboard! My little ones are long since grown but I recall having to put a lot of things on hold while raising them.
And tell me about your handle. Mopar guy?
Need some better pics please !!!
Always thought tbey were cool looking birds
Not Really Bad from That Photo.
Hey Studcharger,
Kudos to you for persevering on the build and being willing to place your it out there for critique. Takes gumption to put it all on the line like that.
What might help generate more relevant/usable feedback is to ask for input on a specific technique or feature you’re most interested in learning about in your build.
Once you’ve got that selected send in a good example picture of it from your build with your question and I’m sure you’ll get a ton of useful feedback on it.
If you had fun building it, that is the path, grasshoppa! Keep building and please keep posting! Having a clean background and enough light will make your photos much better. The more light any camera has, the easier it is for it to get a good image, whether it is a pinhole camera, a phone camera, or the Hasselblad we all dream of owning if we won the lottery!
I know all too well the demands placed on our time by little ones, pets, chores and then a spouse who’s not the most supportive in the world.
What I have done to gain my wife’s support is to help her with some of her miniature projects using the skills I have as a modeler. She seemed to appreciate it more after that.
As to the model you’ve pictured here, it looks good from what I can see of it Patrick. As others have mentioned, some more pictures would be great.
I appreciate all the advise. Claims as a new user I can only upload one photo
Yeah the software the forum is based upon uses a trust structure and limits abilities until one is more established. Details on that are here.
Good news it doesn’t take much to advance and gain the ability to add more photos.
What color green did you use? Looks like the Bird of Prey from here
I actually used three different shades of green painted the main body a dark green I think it may of been swamp green then I used a lighter foliage green and then the final was a algee green.
That’s a good looking Bird of Prey!
From what I can see, it looks pretty good. Certainly looks like a Bird of Prey.
I built that one back in the 90s soon after I rediscovered the hobby. I remember it being a PITA to paint all those panels on the wings. I also know that if I was to build it again, those panels would be a different style of PITA in that I’d mask them so that I could airbrush them. And I would put LEDs in it.
I considered LED’s but I am still building up to that. I painted each panel by hand I am not good with an airbrush(can never get the ratios right so it actually sprays.
I missed the photo update. That’s a nicely done Bird of Prey. I like the color variation on the panels.
Most of the things I might comment on are small and will improve with practice.
If you’ve got specific questions about something happy to help where possible.
You mentioned challenges with getting the best consistency for airbrushing. I’d recommend watching Aaron Skinner’s airbrushing tutorials. I’ve linked the one where he demonstrates what to look for when thinning paint so it will flow well through the airbrush.
The rest of the series is worth watching. They helped me a lot when I first started using an airbrush.
Those pictures are lot better then the first set,and yes your bird really looks great,nice painting
Thank you. The first one sucked because I was new to the forum so I was only allowed to do one picture.
Glad I clicked on this thread again to see the new pics. That’s a really impressive finish on that “bird”, @Studcharger440 – the color variation from panel to panel looks screen-perfect. Even more impressive knowing it was done with a brush!