Does anyone remember the old original series K-7 Space Station by AMT? It had three arms each with a clear cone and contained a tiny USS Enterprise space ship. It was the only one of the original series kits I owned as a kid. Anyone know of a reference site where I can accurize one? It was used in the episode “Trouble with Tribbles” and also highlighted in the Deep Space 9 episode “Trials and Tribulations.”
Wow, that brings back memories! I built that kit, too. (Very fragile!) You might try looking on; they have a good reference section. I do know that they built a new filming miniature of K-7 when they shot “Trials and Tribbleations”; so you might be able to find some photos of that model. Good luck!
Try to get hold of a copy of ‘Star Trek Mechanics’ book 4. It’s Japanese so might be hard to find. I got my copy from the company in the link below. It’s full of photos of various Star Trek craft including K7.
I was thinking about replacing the kit arms with styrene tubing of the proper diameter to strengthen the kit. I do recall that the arms were weak. I’ve picked up a bunch of the Gamespace(?) mini Trek game kits/pieces since the AMT kit Enterprise only resembles the real thing. Those gaming kits are really nice, but are about twice the size of the kit Enterprise.
The IDIC Page has several photos of Greg Jein’s Model of K-7 used in DS9 “Trials and Tribble-ations”. Plus, many more rare photos. Just scan down, you’ll find them.
I’ll second the suggestion of ST Mechanics 4, a must for any ST modeler. Great pictures and worth the price.
Guess you missed this:
Yeah, but Ross, did ya notice that was a great big lie?
Though Paul Newitt promises an article on Hobbytalk about how the orignal K-7 was made, and how to make your own. Some day.
I scratch built that one when I was in like 4th or 5th grade and also built moon base alpha. Not that accurate, but I liked the idea of space stations.