Spuce Goose????

Does anyone know of a spuce goose kit???


Hi Ron,

Minicraft makes a 1:200 scale model of the Goose. I’ve never built one, so I don’t know how the kit is.


YES… Minicraft makes one. You can get it thru Squadron (or at the museum in McMinnville, OR).

The kit does not fit really well… but it’s easy to make it fit. I have one under contruction, with some photos of it as I go along on my Site (see below).

There is also a photo of the model on my home page, next to a 737 of the same scale… WOW!

To see my build… go to my SIte, Articles, Model Builds, and you’ll see it listed there.

P.S I also have some photos of the real Spruce Goose on my Photos/Museums pages… That is one BIG plane! The rudder to over 70 feel tall. The wing span is 100 feet MORE than a 747!!!

Yeah, have a look at the Evergreen Musem site - they’ve got the real item. It was a real chore to bring it from California to Northern Oregon…
have a look at
that’ll reveal all.