Spray paint

After going through a couple cans of hobby grade spray cans, i am sick of the rediculous prices. I am thinking of starting to use ordinarry spray paint, I realize that the paint may eat the plastic? but what if i prime it first


An enamel straight out of the can should not hurt bare plastic. You should be able to spray both oil-based and acrylic enamels with no problems. Of course, it never hurts to prime first. Good priming is REQUIRED if you plan on spraying lacquers.
Gip Winecoff

I still use spray cans quite often too. My experience is that the Tamiya spray cans really are the best. They have the nicest spray and go on smooth and thin. Some of the more generic paints can be a little thick and ‘globby’ so be sure to test them out. Many people swear by Duplicolor, Krylon, and Plasticote brands and I’ve never really had any significant trouble with them. Gip’s right though, find out if it’s a lacquer, and if so it’s a really good plan to put down some primer first. I’ve actually gotten into the habit of priming everything, no matter what the paint. If you find a good brand, stick with it. It’s nice to have a predictable result so you don’t have to continue doind ‘test’ shots everytime you have a new brand of paint.


Thanks for the quick reply, now I will be able to have money to spend on going out, even if I live in the most boring town in Tennessee.


You live in Memphis!?!?!

I am starting the merge into using regular spray paint and i have found that there is nothing wrong with krylon and plasticoat. I havent tried anything else but these two work great.
