Spitfire PR kitbash questions, suggestions....

Ok, so I’ve become so enamered with the Spitfire PR 944 story that I thought I have to build that plane. Problem is, no one makes one. No one! So, time to determine what I need to make it work.

Thus far I have determined that Col. Blythe’s bird was a converted Mk ix which they called mk xi. From the many good photos I’ve found of his AC it had the smooth wings and late model tail and was not pressurized. It also had the deeper nose for the 14.5 gal oil tank and wooden prop. He said in the video he had two cameras behind him, but made no mention of any others, but it appears most were equiped with two behind and two underneath in the center and staggered. No biggie there.

My issue is this, I have a Mk xix which has the correct wings and tail and is a PR bird, so that checks many of the needs right there. BUT, it is a presurized bird so no door, but I can modify that in, I think. (unless this is totally different and can’t work on this fuselage) The issue is the nose is too long and the wrong shape for a ix or xi. This is where kitbash comes in. I can pull the upper nose off of the ix that I have and shorten the nose to match and thus giving the bird the correct nose, then add the deep nose for the Hasegawa PR kit conversion. I hope. I figure if I gotta cut it for the oil tank why not just give it full nose job.

The windscreen is also correct on the xix kit, so that’s a huge help. As far as insignia’s and numbers I can stencil them on. The issue here is does anyone know a decal sheet that has red iron cross kill marks? I’ll need something like 26 or less.

I had considered using the ix kit rather than the xix kit and smoothing the wings and cutting off the tail on the xix and grafting it on the ix, but the fuselage is taller toward the tail and would require me hacking about an inch forward to get it to work, but it’s doable. I don’t think the ix wings are correct even when smoothed, so I rather go with the other kit instead.

Anyhow, that’s kinda where I’m at. Any input or thoughts gents?


If you are working in 1/48, Quickboost has a couple of bits that may help.

Conversion set:


Camera ports:


I’m assuming these bits are made to suit the Hasegawa Mk.IX kit

Use the wings and the tail cut off 1 inch forward, on the other fuse. You’ll never be able to scratch a door that looks right without a lot of effort, or at least it would stump me.

Be sure to add the little CO2 bottle on the pilots armor plate, up next to his headphone wire.

That video was great. My F-in-Law was in the 12th down in the Med, a c rew chief on another type of aircraft also British. He had a side hobby taking studio photos of his fellow soldiers to send home. He took the unused 70mm film stock from the PR flights, sliced it in half and used the 35mm with one sprocket hole edge in a Leica he “found” on a German.

My brother in law has those negs, my wife has a set of prints of some of the a/c photos he took.

I totally missed the crosses. On 944??? She had no guns.

She had no guns but she did have numerous red iron crosses. Apparently they put those on there to make the Germans think twice before engaging for fear of a single spitfire with a ton of kills. It was a running joke, but they had those on them. I’ve seen the pics. I just need to find the decals. They signified successful missions, truth be told.

As far as the build, I agree with using the wings and tail. Tail will be pretty easy, I hope the fuselage lines up decent with the other kits wings. That may be a fight.


This one had them too.