spatter nozzle?

i’ve got the spatter nozzle for my airbrush and i’m kind of puzzled by it. first of all, why do you need a special spatter nozzle when it’s so easy to make paint spatter with a regular nozzle? [:)] seriously though, what would you use this for? what exactly does it do? make large drops instead of a fine mist? any examples (with pictures preferably)? i should probably try it out for myself but i just haven’t gotten around to it yet.

It’s used for paintings mostly.

I watched the Aztek video and I believe the spatter nozzle is more geared towards artists not modelers.


Hi all Did hear that its good for mud splat marks but its mainly used for artist work things like stars on paint jobs. I`ve got one that came with my aztec airbrush but have never used it.

It is for producing decorative effects. For example stone, textured cloth. Airbrushes have much more widespread use than plastic modelling.