Soviet Prop jobs color scheme AMT 11 & AMT 12

I am looking for suggestions and commentary regarding the Soviet Gray / Dark Sea Gray camo scheme as there seems to be a lot of conflicting info on exactly what the Federal Standard should look like. I have seem pure gray looking combos, to bluish gray to greenish gray.

In the Eduard kits (LA-7, etc.) I have, the colors definitely are more blue gray but when I look at FS color swatches they seem gray and dark gray

My easy access to paints whould be limited to either Tamiya or Model Masters. What colors or mix of colors would come closest to what would be the AMT11 and AMT12?

I have no prior experience with a soviet bird and appreciate any input.



There seem to be no standard camouflage for soviet aircraft as they dont always give the same camouflage for each aircraft, also due to the high quality of the paint which is designed to withstand extreme temperatures hot and cold, you will find that many pictures of these camouflage schemes will differ, so realistically there is no-one exact colour you can match. Just look at a photo of the camouflage you like and mix the paint to match.

Dean, I think that you may not be right, although what happened in the field muddies the waters and there is much disagreement. Eric Pilawskii wrote a book on the subject titled “Soviet Air Force Fighter Colors 1941-1945” and his research led him to conclude that definite patterns and colors were used. He says AMT-11Grey-Blue is between FS 26375 -26300, or Pantone 5435. For AMT-12 Dark Grey he lists FS26187-26081, Pantone 431.

Not everyone is in agreement with Pilawskii. Another source currently available is from Iliad Designs, a reprint of “Colors of the Falcons”, Hornat and Migliardi, which is an earlier 50 page book, available here:

Both Red Banner Aviation and Modelling the VVS have some articles on the subject:

Hi…take a look here…

Thanks for the references guys. Some of these I have seen but others were new to me. It appears there is no true consensus on the standard. I will try to get it close and that works for me. Interesting topic though that it seems we know the least about the Soviet WWII stuff since so little of it survived.

Hi Sven…here you are a link in which you can find some mix to obtain russian colour…Ciao Enrico.[