Southeast Asia camouflage gets revisited...

On a Gameboy Color!!
Here’s the story:
I got tired of looking at my old Kiwi-Green Gameboy Color. So, after purchasing a 1/48 scale F-105F/G Thunderchief, I finally got some good diagrams of the Southeast Asia Camouflage scheme! So, I got inspired! I took the paints off of my hobby tray that are closest to the colors needed for a Southeast Asia scheme, and have begun to apply it to my Gameboy! It doesn’t fit exactly(due to the different shape, and improper colors!) but it is rather easily seen as the Southeast Asia scheme! Yeehaw!
Oh yeah, soon as I get my scanner working, I’ll scan a front view of my new 'Nam era Gameboy!

Say, here in Japan it’s quite popular with the youngsters to dress up their mobile phones…an SE camo job might look pretty cool!