Source for tiny brass nails

Anyone have a source for brass nails smaller than these that I ordered from MicroMark?

I’m starting a Fiat Mefistofele and am look for nails for the floorboards and firewall. I’ve been searching model ship building suppliers and haven’t come up with anything smaller than these. Dimensions seem to be similar from many sites.



These are pretty much the same, just a little shorter.

Maybe just use brass wire?

IHi ;

I have come across some that may help . What scale is the model ? You should be able to fine some in the Sewing Section of Hobby Lobby . Now I didn’t see any brass ones at my store , except the standard ones in the Dollhouse section . But ,You can , as " G " Suggests use brass wire .

Drill the right size hole and drop that wire right down in there . Sand the end and Viola , Shiny brass nails ! I have used brass wire for this more times than I can count . I find it easier And I can have different sizes of nails too ! T.B.

Thanks. I’ll check. Looks like dollhouse nails might be the ticket. Never thought of that.


I bought some from Model Expo several years ago. Don’t know if they still carry them.


Never be afraid to cross-check in the other hobby related fields .I use many parts on my ships , for instance that come from 1/87 ( H.O.) scale railroad stuff .

I just remembered I got some brass pins at a Michaels several years ago. They were just about the size you are looking for- about 3/8 x .020.

You’ll be surprised what one can find for our hobby in odd places.

I received both sizes of nails from Micromark. They look like they’re close to the right size. I checked the plastic model floor boards to find that what’s molded in are screws, not nails. Not really that concerned. Might try scoring the heads of the nails; I’ll be very surprised to find tiny screws of that size.



Dave ;

I have to ask . Have you ever looked inside a ladies watch ? Oh Yeah . Slotted screws sure enough !