Something Unique -Build A Train Scale-Model ship or Boat


I think I have mentioned this before. Model Train accessory companies have in the past given us some very interesting Vessels. Now .How would you like to improve them Just to say You had done it? You See, I hit my Local Train Show again.

Yeah. It’s more expensive than just model Ship Building for sure, unless you get into R.C., that is. But, now here’s the Hanger, they have come up with some very unique vessels.Yes, Particularly European types.

There’s a plethora of stuff that used to be quite common. Hard to find, but fun to build and modify,i f you like that kind of thing. Kibri-A common name in the field used to offer at least ten that I know of. Faller, A better Known European company had a broader spectrum of types.

Here’s the thing.You can design your own Waterline American style or others, and buuld it in say H.O and it will really perk up your model scene. With the Buid your own you can get a few Wilhelmshaven paper kits-Scale up to H.O. and really have a different fleet of NON-Warship types!

Freighters, Tankers(My Love) and Passenger types and the fleet type support vessels you would find in any busy harbor. Including Pleasure Boats and Ferries. Don’t let the looks fool you.If you want a paticular countries style that’s up to you. Thing is you can have a varied fleet of many types thereby bringing interest to your Ship collection.

What Most of you have failed to realize is today, it seems, the model modern Warship is loosing it’s interest to the general Public At Large! What they see is just “Another Battleship or Carrier” Eh! Even "Stick Ships(Freighters from the 40s and 50s bore them.) Now a Ferry or Rescue boat? A sweet little tug or modified workboat.Ain’t happening with the general kits available. Sure, Ships are NOT everyone’s cup of Tea!

Never have been! But they will be seen observing for hours a Sail Ship! What if You could get that reaction to something else more common? I still have folks commenting on my paper tugs in H.O. scale. Why,Well with seven different types and ther majority Modern as heck, that catch the eye with ALL their detail!

If you would beb interested,i would be willing to guide you through a build of a Ferry thast also will convert to a Houseboat or Workboat as well. Are you Game?

There’s much to be said for both the relative size of 1/87 parts and their variety.

And, there’s a pile of rulers for ease of scratch-building to scale, too–both metric and English.

And, the variety is pretty good, too. Barges, tugs, excursion boats, even the odd frieghter or two (if more coastal types suitable for RR “industries”).

And, a body with a mind to it could build wharves and jetties and the like, too.

Our TB is a clever and observant fellow.

Some years ago there were some layouts published that were waterfront locations.

One was an east coast terminal in WW2.

Another was the San Francisco Belt Line

some of the larger railroad model companies sell industrial buildings with a lot of accessories. I find those to be a little soft on details, but can be chopped up to get bits and pieces.
