Some dumb questions on building Tanks

I have really become a fan of building modern MBT’s and placing them in a diorama setting. My questions, which may seem dumb, are still perplexing to me. First, is there a simple method of painting the rubber wheel portions of the road wheels on the tanks? Trying to get a fine edge of the black rubber against the mettal portion of the wheel is kind of hit and miss when done just by hand. Is it better to put the tank together minus the side skirts, then put on th running gear? Also, how do you place pictures of the models on the forum and how do correspondants get a logo for their messages? Since I am old and retired, I have the benefit of lots of time to work on my models. My biggest problem is that once I start, I become impatient to finish the model and diorama. Thanks for all the assistance. Lenny

This thread has some ideas for painting roadwheels…Just click on the link…


Yes, a circle template which costs a couple dollars at an office supply store will almost certainly have the size you need for anything. Spray the tire, a bit carefully, a dark gray, such as Floquil’s grimy black. Let dry. Now, take the template and match a wheel to an opening and spray away. Repeat as necessary.

When I build armor, I do it as I expect it would be done at a factory. Paint and assemble wheels. Set saide. Paint and assemble hull. Paint and assemble turret. Combine hull and turret. Add road wheels. Add tracks. Add side skirts. Paint any camo pattern as appropriate.

You need to have a hosting site online, such as photobucket. Upload your pictures there. When look at the thumbnail, there are four boxes beneath it. Click on the bottom most. A little yellow box appears saying “copied.” In your post here, click on this button above the text box. Another box appears. Highlight the HTTP:// and right click and choose paste. Then click the insert button.

For a logo, aka, avatar, you will need to choose a picture you like and resize it in a photo editing program. Your camera and computer came with one, I’m sure. Look for a button that says view or resize. There will be a box that give you options in pixels. Choose roughly 65X65 and save the picture, then upload it to photbucket. Now, go into your profile and look for a box asking you for an avatar. Repeat copy an address as you did above from photobucket.

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on “this” forum,

the only dumb question is the one that wasn’t posted.

Welcome aboard.
