Back again with another model event, this time SCGMC 2024. This year saw the event move to the same location that hosts the IPMS OC Orangecon event. As with all these event videos we will first look at the entries, followed by shots of some of the ones I personally found interesting, and then the awards. Now a quick note, during the awards they skipped a category so I do not have those in the video. I do apologize the fault was not mine.
Thanks again Chris, for posting another contest video!
I have been watching footage from this contest on Youtube over the years and have seen it steadily grow. The entries have also evolved quite a bit, from panel lined snap fits to those crazy Hong Kong Style builds to the WH40K and anime cell-shaded inspired paint jobs.
Yeah, it has really grown over the years from a show with a couple dozen entries to now many times that. Will also admit to my own frustration, that it is the one show I have never placed at.
I hear you. Competition is really stiff these days. Either you have to bring an over-the-top crazy build or have a spectacular paint job to even hope to place.