Been trying to change my signature but keep getting the below when I try save it. Is there a word count limit or something like that?
Validation Error
An error occurred validating a field. Please go to the previous page and try again.
Been trying to change my signature but keep getting the below when I try save it. Is there a word count limit or something like that?
An error occurred validating a field. Please go to the previous page and try again.
There is a limit on the number of charectors. If your trying to insert images, best option is to put them all into one image.
There was probably an issue with your source code compiling. You probably copy pasted something that the system rejected. Try clicking on the “<>” button and clearing the text there. Write your signature again and it should work.
No images on my signature, so I guess my problem is the character limit. Does anyone know what the character/word limit actually is?
so im getting the exact same message. Ive resized the picture, its quite small and it shows after i insert it. I hit update and i get the error message.
Any ideas?
It used to be 512 characters of HTML code; obviously, that may be different than the visible alpha characters. You should be able to click on HTML in the command dash of the signature section [i.e., TOOLS, then source code] to display the actual code.
so maybe im not able to use shared / public images from google? I use that for my posts but i still cant get the a picture to show in the signature???
Not sure what you mean by “shared images from google”…
You can always copy an image and rename it with a shorter string, if necessary. If you’re trying to link directly to an ‘out there’ image on the web, it might work once in a while, but the only dependable way is to have images hosted specifically on an image-sharing website. I use Flickr, but there are loads of others. If you need more info, you could search the ‘technical issues’ subforum; the pros and cons of various hosting sites are hashed over there pretty regularly.
Google is notorious for not allowing image linking. But please remember, when you link an image it must have the .JPG or .PNG code at the end of the image code. if it doesn’t, the image will not post.
So Im under the impression my “how to” is useless to those wanting to link images…
Tks amplighter- another question or 2. I’ll just keep checking back as I don’t get notifications on replies or messages still…
so here is a screen shot of the code from the copied pic in google shared folder - you can see the ship pic in the signature box but when I hit update, I get the validation error. Here is a shot also of the code I copied. Trying to figure out where I add the extension you mention.
I didn’t count every jot…but it looks like your string may be way over 512 characters, for a start.
tks - so thats one of the things i dont understand - the string is generated by copying the image. If i alter it, which i can, then the picture becomes invalid. So what allows one to change the string w/o ruining the code?
I think that’s why it’s essentially necessary to host one’s pics on a made-for-the-purpose hosting site. They automatically limit their url size to accommodate the limits of forums and other websites.
If you’re just picking up random codes from the web, you’re usually working through extra ‘layers’ of source code for web pages that don’t have the same size limits. You’ll get lucky once in a while…but as pages get more complex, there’s more source code for everything that gets put on them. Much of it specifies location and format on the pages themselves, which just adds to the ‘bloat’ if you’re just looking to connect to an image.
Not random code from the web - you may have missed it - these are my pictures that have been uploded to a shared folder in google pictures then copied and used here.
Sorry…I did miss your point…but in the end it doesn’t matter: if the url generated for your photo is too long, I don’t think it’s going to work.
I don’t know the ins and outs of google photos, but I did run across this which might help:
Don’t know how much extra effort it might be…but it’s a start. Let us know if it looks plausible.
k. ill check it out. I did a little looking into shrinking the url, and found and others too. I tried the one, copied and pasted my urll address location into their service and then got like a 20 letter url link which i then pasted into the site here for the signature line and it worked. But, of course i didnt read all their disclaimers, etc, privacy stuff so i deleted it unitl i can rerad some more. Sometimes this internet stuff freaks me out - they probablt have my underwear size now[:)]
I must confess I’d never heard of url shorteners…but apparently Google has its own, if you’re antsy about a third-party provider:
Again, let us know how it works out.[;)]
First of all, Everyone needs to stop trying to use Google embedding options to link images. Same holds true for Photobucket as these pregenerated codes are useless on sites like this one. You need to create an account with wordpress, site123 or alike. From that point upload the image, then save the page. Open the gallery, locate the image then right click on the image and say open in new window. From that point you should see the main image code in your browser url slot at the top of the page. IF the code does not have .JPG etc… it will not post period.
Second, In your code there’s no reference to any .JPG etc… thus the code will not work even if you get a preview image.
Third, If you know nothing about actually creating an embedded code here or writing code to display your image, stop and use the image icon in your tool tray.
Forth, shorting the image code doesn’t work either… It must have a code extension or the .JPG etc
Furthermore, I’ve offered to help several times and even created a how to for thsoe who needed this information. yet many of you still ignore my sugegstions and even my warnings hoping somethign will just work.
If you need support, I cna offer it, but I will need the link to your images no matter what site they are located and see if I can gain the image code for you.
Tks for the reply - i didnt mean yo ignore your previous post, but when i searched the forums for something like, “adding picture to signature”, “picture in signature” or the like, i only got very old 12 or so years old articles… I did not see yours, which is titled “How to Upload/Attach Images Within Your Topics” because thats not what i was/am trying to do - thats why i included “signature” in my search… I did go to it once you posted the link - so thanks - it did help. I do use the gallery and i do use the insert photo button. It did throw me off though as you mention that w/ no .jpg the picture will not work, yet in your example you have no “.jpg” in the code. Confusing to me…
I was not sure if all this was applicable to “signatures” as your post mentions adding to topics. You mention adding code but there seems to be a limit to the number of characters - thats why i mentioned the site i did. I can copy the link, but if too long the only way i know to get it right is with another service - exactly what i am trying to avoid. I learned google, now that does not work on most sites. So then, imuger or photobucket then they go away. One has cloud syncing w/ apple thats mostly a mess, apps, apps, apps, a mess of protocalls and most are not the same, scores of different password logins and uppercase, lowercase, characters or nor characters… TOO MUCH
so i did get the code for the picture i have on google and when i did use to shrink the code, i posted the picture in my signature field and updated my profile and it did work and i didnot get the validation error. But, valuing what little privacy i may have left(likely not much) and valuing whats mine as mine and having not read the EULA and privacy statement at bitly, i deleted the lnk and my picture. I appreciate the help, but i m not intereted in having one more password and log in for another site - this i way too much troublesome and cumbersome - cumbersome being the key word i think. Just me im sure, but it should be easier. Tks again the info. PS, I found this too: