Yes… it all started four years ago, when I was in New york at the “Red caboose” in a very anxiose need for a double action AB. Back then it was only one thing. Paasche VL.
She looked good to me and I wanted her and I guess she wanted me too, so we got engaged and then married. life went by and she (sadly) found her demise in a brutal accident [xx(]. I mourned her loss…[V]
But I knew I had to go on with life…[:)]
Then you guys came along, you guys helpd me to decide.
And I thank you for that![8D]
Today she came to my door [:X]. She came all the way from New orleans LA, to Israel.
A swety man in brown clothes with UPS logo on his shirt delivered her to me.
Today I feel that I have finally grown to the field of the proffesionals [^].
Yes! she looks so good! Yes! she looks so fine!
She does have sexy lines-a sleek figure. And you will see her performance. She is one of the best. She is worth every penny Iwata sells her for. So smooth to the touch and so professional. She will have you begging for more sessions with her. You will not want any other after you try her.
i’m into poligimy as i have 2!!![:D] hp-cs and hp-c!! they are mighty fine brushes and i never was satisfied til’ i had one in my hand. now, i’m happily building models because i know i have the comfort and quality of iwata to look forward to for the finished product. now, pump out some kits so we can take a peek friend. happy modelling. later.
O.K. It’s been 24 houres since I got it, and you’re not going to belive this, but I just cant think of blowing paint through it!
She looks so clean so crisp so virgin…
I even went into thinking “How should I honor her?”, “Which color will be the first?” “Which model will be the first to be painted with?”
“Should I start somthing new or should I return to an old project?”
Such silly questions am I normal? Hmmm… somthing tells me I’m not! [;)]
RED! A hot, firey red. Orange-red-it is such a powerful statement. Red would be the first perfect color.
Don’t let others convince you to buy another brand of airbrush-they will badger you a lot to try to change your mind but you know you have picked the brush you want and need. You know whatever they say that in reality, deep in your heart you, and many others, have made the right choice in buying the beautifully crafted, professionally operating Iwata.
Doesn’t the air lever feel so smooth with no free play in the mechanism? It is so well balanced in the hand too.
See? In no time at all those people with other brands of airbrush will try to badger you to change your brand. [:D] They like to disrupt all Iwata threads. Go with what you believe in your Judgement. That Iwata is an exceptional airbrush.
…our relationship has been true since the day we met
she’s chrome and rouge…she’s sleek…and always ready…
her name is Paache’…an H as well…and whoa the magic i’ve learned when she’s ready…she’s taught me well …and soothes all my coloured needs…[;)]
the best airbrrush…is the one in my hand
repeat after me…the best airbrush…yada…yada…yada…
I can see in the horizon the anti-Iwata gang is massing for a strike on this thread.
I often wondered why so many people hate Iwata airbrushes at FSM? Other web sites that mention Iwata tell of the airbrush being at least equal to other brands. I’ve never badgered other company’s airbrushes like people that hate Iwata here. Only at the FSM web site do people slam Iwata so unjustly. The Iwata airbrush will spray equally to other brands of airbrushes.
It seems to me a lot of people really hate the company name or maybe the country of origin. Then that hatred is projected to the people who compliment an Iwata/Japanese product. A lot of people that bash Iwata airbrushes have barely touched one or not at all. Bashers snipe Iwata airbrushes without any justifiable reason as to why it is so bad so it leaves the readers of these threads a mystery. People also leave snide remarks about how much better their airbrushes or they are to downgrade anyone that owns or compliments an Iwata. Is it some kind of sad power-trip or adrenaline rush other airbrush owners have? Would a German made airbrush be bashed as the Iwata airbrushes are?
It seems when someone comments they like an Iwata that owners of other airbrushes like to hijack their thread to the other brands of airbrushes. Is that fair to the poster of the thread? No, it is not.
It sure seems like a lot of energy wasted in hatred about a doing a hobby we all enjoy. I like to help other people and have them help me rather than to insult them.
ShModeler, I’m proud that you independently chose the airbrush you loved without being swayed by any bias or prejudice. I would endorse any airbrush you found that worked for you.
You chose Iwata and there are a few people here that like to use that brand. Stand your ground and don’t let others tell you to change your choice.
This is just my two cents.
Now go spray a French blue on anything. You’ll love that new airbrush of yours so well you’ll blow it a kiss.
rooster, i think you are wrong. i’ve been posting here for a while now and was a badger fan that crossed over to iwata. nobody has slandered me or tried to badger me and make me feel bad about my decision. badger is the #1 selling airbrush out there because, from what i gather, their availability, customer service (though i’ve never had to use it), and price. i chose to try iwata because of the good things i heard about it from this forum and other places on the web. as far as hijacking other people’s thread, heck i’m guilty of doing that myself but it is all out of fun and i try to insert the proper symbols to let people know that i’m teasing. you, on the other hand, have hijacked this thread for no apparent reason. nobody on this thread is being beligerent in my opinion but you. everybody is going along cool, but i think you started the hostilities yourself.
on the lighter side, you have very informative posts on here and they played a part in my decision process on buying an iwata. i love my iwata’s and could care less what other modellers buy as long as they are happy with there decisions. and i agree, who can make a claim that this airbrush is better than that one if they haven’t used one as long as the other and vise versa. i used an omni 5000 for 5 months atleast 6 hours or more a week, but when i picked up the iwata hp-cs, i was instantly hooked. i can’t say that for the hp-c as i had trouble fitting the model paint throught the small .3mm nozzle. once i converted it to the .4mm n/n i was in love with 2 airbrushes. no one can convince me otherwise. in my opinion, the hp-cs is a better airbrush than the omni 5000. does that make it so? ofcourse not!! the next person will say the opposite. oh well, we’ll never get to the bottom of this and i wonder why we post in these threads. we have found time and again that they lead to cirlces.