friends of finescale I wait that all, me if are emitting the photos of my king 1/48 REVELL of the sea of Sh-3h, “TASKMASTER” that I INSTALLED the LIGHT and ALL CAN SEE TO FUNCTION MAIN of the ENGINE, VERY LEGAL, me BELIEVE THAT MY FRIENDS GO TO APPRECIATE. GREAT I HUG HERE of BRAZIL FOR ALL
Hey Bernardes!! It’s been awhile! Great work on the helicopter. A great big hug to you, too. Thanks for posting that masterpiece!
Nice looking diorama, mate. Very interesting with all of the little guys being very “busy”.
And a motorised main rotor! How cool is that?
Thanks for sharing the pictures.
leemitcheltree: Awesome copter. That’s got to be 25 lbs. worth of decals…well done!
It doesn’t get much better than that. Great job.
Looks great and I really like the dio. Helps bring it to life.
That’s a great lookin bird!!! Keep up the great work![^]
Excellent!! Nice to see some more of your work, this model is superb-well done! Regards, Darren.
Thank you ! My friends…