Sd.Kfz. 9 FAMO w/trailer

…just wondering if anyone has invested the $120+ for this Tamiya kit,… and if they’ve built it, can they share an appraisal…?

What’s there to say? It’s one of the most remarkable 1/35 kits ever produced in my honest opinion. Accurate, easy to build, well engineeered kit, very obscure subject. A definite Tamiya Home Run.

PMMS is great for lots of reviews.

I wouldn’t pay $120 for it though. Place an ad here:

with the title “Wanted: Tamiya Famo & SdAnh116”. I’m sure you’d get lots of guys with that kit moldering on their shelves who wouldn’t mind turning it into cash.

That’s about what I thought, Roy; a superb kit by any review. A rumor circulating claims Tamiya will release the kit in 1/48 scale sometime this year. I can’t imagine that happening so quickly after it’s 1/35 debut .

I made a purchase of one a couple of months ago. I haven’t built it, and I don’t think I will any time soon, but the mouldings and quality of the kit is just superb. You won’t go wrong in getting one.

Its the best tamiya kit ive made,goes together well just one thing is wish some of the detail was better but solved that problem with Aber PE.

I thought if i was going to spend that on a kit might as well go all the way & got both PE sets but even as a straght build great.

I bought this kit-- twice-- and it’s one of the best around in 1/35th scale. You can see the first one I did on my website (the WWW link below). The second one I did with Panzer Grey and a Pzkpfw III on the trailer. I haven’t posted the pics yet on the website.

As for the cost: Squadron offers this kit for $130, and I’ve seen it on Internet Hobbies and Mega Hobby for less. I’m sure there are other sites offering it for a good price… eBay comes to mind, if you want to hassle with that bunch. Unfortunately, the price of oil determines the price of plastic, as well as the price of just about everything. I guess it comes down to how committed you are (or whether you should be committed), and how much you want to do a particular project. For me, the quality of the kit and the amount of enjoyment I get out of it justifies the cost.

Please provide the link. [:)] I’d love to see a built version of it.


This is an awesome kit. I would try E-bay before you put out that much money. I picked one up for around $60! Thats where I buy most of my models anyway

Just click on the “WWW” button on the bottom of this post. It will take you directly to the website.

I would look on EBAY…I bought a brand new dragon wagon( the cousin of the FAMO), still wrapped in original plastic for $55.00 total w/shipping included…Some people dont know what they have is worth money , or like they have already said, people need the money…hope this helps

[:D]They are fantastic builds, I would love to build the Famo but funds just wont allow it.

When did the Dragonwaggon go into servic?..Cheers…Kenny

I bought it almost 3 years ago along with the Dragon Wagon, brand new, off ebay for $75 each. I’ve been too afraid to try either one yet given my history with behemoth kits such as these…