I am looking for scottish miniatures like Scot’s Grey or Black Watch - full kilt, maybe Napoleonic era. Andrea has 1 or 2 and some others have some similar. Any ideas as to where to get them?
Also, where can you get resin military miniatures? Verlinden and Andrea and Pegaso are metal. They are the ones I mainly know of.
Do a search at http://www.redlancers.com with your interests.There are plenty of highlanders out there. Airfix has/had a Scots Grey in full charge in their ancient Napoleonic series which builds up quite nicely.
I am currently working on a First World War highlander from Scale Link. They’re based in the U.K. the figures are 54mm metal and fairly detailed for a low cost. I have seen others on their web page. Check them out.
Airfix also has a model 54mm from the Battle of Waterloo Series. It is a foot soldier of the Black Watch. I believe it is the 94 Foot Regiment. They have them on EBAY all the time. I have one kit partly constructed. A lot of flash and seam removal but for $3.00 you cannot complain too much.