The most recent event that I was able to attend was last year’s Southern California Gundam Model Competition (SCGMC for short). Arguably one of the largest Gundam competitions in the country with a large array of styles and subjects on display.
Thanks Ranger Chris for posting the video. I was curious to see what one of those contests looked like.
Oh yeah it is very similar to IPMS events, with the one big difference being they do workshops and seminars to fill the time
…and hand out only a couple of awards! There were a lot of models on the tables, so competition is tight. The paintwork on Gunpla in the US has dramatically improved over a relatively short time. 10 years ago it was common to see unpainted kits at contests.
Their awards presenttion could use a bit of polish though. [:D]
Well there is always that odd year where something dosent work, so won’t fault them for that.
That is the obvious. Another year has passed, full of unexpected events. We should accept all problems