You might get more hits on your vids if you post a ‘teaser’ photo or two to pique a reader’s interest. With the blizzard of media to keep up with out there, many folks – myself included – tend just to bypass links if they don’t know whether it will interest them. There are only so many browsing minutes in a day…and they’re getting dearer and dearer. [:D]
Open your video in youtube>copy the URL>Press the little Insert/edit video button in the reply menu bar, second row>paste the url into the ‘source’ box and hit ok.
I agree with GregBale, I usually don’t click hotllinks either, especially when there are many of them. For some reason, I checked one of yours.
I’m a tough customer when it comes to youtube videos, I have the patience of a two year old with them. Not entirely my fault, its a conditioned response from watching so much garbage by modelers/wanna be producers. I watched a part of one of yours, and I’d like to give you a thumbs up. [Y] You have an interesting persona for the medium, IMHO. You’ve put some time and thought into the productions. Your layout and what you are doing looks very cool, too.