Has anyone a spare Heller (not Matchbox) 1/72 Saab J29 that he/she would be willing to trade…?
Will trade against kits, accessories, mags, books, whatever…!
Has anyone a spare Heller (not Matchbox) 1/72 Saab J29 that he/she would be willing to trade…?
Will trade against kits, accessories, mags, books, whatever…!
Fraid not, DJ.
Is this after reading that article in SAM?
I built the Matchbox kit when I was about 8, really liked that kit.
Yeah, that article was good, didn’t you think, Karl…? Is the Matchbox kit any good then? I built the Heller kit years ago and remember it quite fondly. By today’s standards, it would need a touch more stuff in the cockpit and recesssed panel lines… Matchbox’s panel lines, as you know, tend to be trenches…
If memory serves me, the panel lines were somewhat trenchlike, just like every other Matchbox kit!
You’re probably better off with the Heller kit on the basis of that alone.
I don’t usually buy SAM, but I’ve always had a soft spot for the J29, mainly as a result of that Matchbox kit, so couldn’t resist.
I really enjoyed the article, and as I am currently workling on that Ta183, couldn’t help but notice the similarities between the two.
Wouldn’t it make a great subject in 1/48?
Best of luck with the search.
You said it Karl! I hope someone in the industry is getting this, because we really need more Saab’s in quarter scale. While they’re at it, they could do the Draken, Viggen and Lansen too [8D]. I have said this before but: gimme a Saab, any Saab!
More Saabs in 1/48? I’d say we need more Saabs, period. I’ve never seen a j-29 kit, nor a lansen kit in any scale. Only Hasegawa makes a Draken, that I know of, and only Heller makes a j-21.
Al, there are a few SAAB kits lurking around. Tamiya have re-released their Draken and Viggen in 1/100, I know of a 1/144 Viggen, Airfix had a Draken and a Viggen, Heller had the Lansen and Tunnen, all in 1/72. Esci had a Viggen in 1/48. Just to name but a few. And of course, Revell has a 1/72 Grippen too.
DJ, I had mooch around my LHS last week, as they have a slection of older Heller kits in 1/72.
No joy I’m afraid, couple of other SAABs, a Lansen and a Draaken I think in 1/72, but no J29. Appears that these things are rare as hens teeth now.
Thanks for taking the trouble of checking, Karl… I realised it could be a hard task locating one when I saw KingKit did not list the Heller kit at all… It figures!
Yeah more SAAB would be great.
If I recall correctly, Marivox out of Sweden has 1/72 or 1/48 kits of both a SAAB 17 and a SAAB 18. As I’ve never built one of their kits, I can’t speak for what the quality might be.