russian hurricane

Hi guys,
two questions for you.
I want to build a 1/48 Hawker Hurricane based upon the russian 2-seat trainer with a dorsal gun. Omega models have produced a 1/72 scale version of this aircraft, but I perfer 1/48 scale.
Now I know that there was at least one of this aircraft but can’t find any more information on it. Can anybody help with a point in the right direction?

Secondly, how the heck do you set up a modelling club?
I live in ireland and would like to start one in the local area. Any advice?

thanks in advance!

I don’t know if the information you need is on this site but try the following
this is a site devoted to vvs in ww2.
hope you will find what you need

greetings from the netherlands


Hey yeehah,
That is one subject that I have little on but if you speak with Steve( aka Blackwolf) he should be able to help ya out…
If you want you can e-mail him through here by going to his profile and clicking on his e-mail.
I have known him too long[:p] and he has helped me out when I was in a jam.
Flaps up,Mike

robvandodewaard: thanks fior the web address. i’l check it out and see what’s there.
Butz: i’ll e-mail blackwolf and see what he knows!!


robvandodewaard: just checked that site and apparently it’s closing down and the links have been disabled.

thanks anyway.


as far as I know they are only looking for a new host . I don;t have problems encountered yet.

greetings rob


as far as I know they are only looking for a new host . I don;t have problems encountered yet.

